A new year, a new adventure – blogging!

After several years of posting my cooking and eating adventures on Facebook, I’m taking the plunge into blogging about one of my lifelong passions. I’m thankful to friends and family members who have encouraged me to find a creative outlet to share my love of good food, good cooking and good eating.  An encouraging friend and fellow foodie pointed out that I possess three skills needed for food blogging; a passion for food, a love of learning and teaching and a way with words. Let me just say that COOKING is way easier than CREATING A WEBSITE all by yourself.  Just me and Google University and a gift from my son, Blogging for Dummies to help me at least get started.  I expect as I learn more about blogging and the confusing mechanics of setting up a website…I hope to improve and make my site more reader and user friendly.  So here I am at the computer trying to figure out how to take all that’s in my mind and let those thoughts and ideas flow into this blog. So as the famous saying goes…JUST DO IT!